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GeoIP-GeoLite-data -
Free GeoLite IP geolocation country database
debiandoc-sgml -
DebianDoc SGML DTD and formatting tools
jq -
Command-line JSON processor
jq-devel -
Development files for jq
libsodium -
The Sodium crypto library
libsodium-devel -
Development files for libsodium
libsodium-static -
Static library for libsodium
luajit -
Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua
luajit-devel -
Development files for luajit
masscan -
This is the fastest Internet port scanner
python-pybloomfiltermmap -
A Bloom filter (bloomfilter) for Python built on mmap
redis -
A persistent key-value database
tre -
POSIX compatible regexp library with approximate matching
tre-devel -
Development files for use with the tre package
zmap -
Network scanner for Internet-wide network studies